Written by: Kelsey Pacetti

Not everyone has a mental illness but everyone has mental health. Sometimes this is a concept that is difficult for others to grasp. Active Minds is the nation’s premier nonprofit organization supporting mental health awareness and education for students. We are dedicated to saving lives and building stronger families and communities. Through education, research, advocacy, and a focus on students and young adults ages 14–25, Active Minds is opening up the conversation about mental health and creating lasting change in the way mental health is talked about, cared for, and valued in the United States. Whether you are a psych major, someone that struggles with their own mental health, maybe you want to practice more self-care, or you simply would like to educate yourself on mental health then our organization is meant for you! For the spring 2020 semester, we meet on Mondays from 5-6 pm in UC 266. We are there to support you and to remind you that you are not alone. You are truly magical! Embrace it. Know that you’re loved, worthy, and enough. College students always feel the pressure from everyone around them but it is okay not to be okay, your worth is not based on how busy you are, and your grades do not define you! Active Minds is here for you to take a breath while helping others through advocacy and awareness. 7.3 million students benefit from an Active Minds campus presence, 67% of students tell a friend they are feeling suicidal before anyone else, and 50% of us will experience a mental health condition in our lifetime. It is time to speak up and fight the stigma. It is time we normalize medication and therapy.

If you’re unable to come to our Monday general member meetings you can show your support at our upcoming event called The Mental Health Monologues. UW-W Warhawks will express their experiences with mental health in the form of a skit, dance, song, poem and more! Come fight the stigma with us. The Second Annual Mental Health Monologues on April 13th at 6:00pm, located in Summers Auditorium. (UC 76) This event is FREE but donations would be greatly appreciated. The stories are a powerful way to raise awareness. (**Warning to Visitors** While it is not the intent to cause distress, we caution that exposure to sensitive content may awaken trauma centers in the brain or recollection of challenging personal history. For this reason, there will be mental health professionals on-site) 

Learn more about Active Minds at activeminds.org – https://activemindswhitewater.weebly.com/ or by finding us on social media. (Instagram @activemindsuww, Facebook & Twitter @ActiveMindsUWW) Feel free to email us at activeminds@uww.edu. Don’t forget that the world needs you here!

National Suicide Prevention Lifeline: 1-800-273-8255

Crisis Text Line: Text “Hello” to 741-741.

Active Minds at UW-W: Kelsey Pacetti, President. Ivy Steege, Vice President. Malayna Oswald, Secretary. Alison Ruphard, VP of Fundraising. Michelle Dohm, Treasurer. Andy Breunsbach, Public Relations.