Staying healthy is definitely not the easiest thing during your college years, but it is extremely important and following some of these simple tips is a great start!


  • Use your resources on campus: For example our Health Center provides all types of services such as massages and health appointments or utilize the campus reflection space in Drumlin 141.
  • Exercise: Even if it’s something as simple as walking instead of driving to class or get a gym membership at the Williams Center here on campus.
  • Stay hydrated: Drink water everyday throughout the entire day!Salad
  • Choose the healthier eating options: For example choose the salads over the pasta dishes and make sure to eat your fruits and veggies everyday, try to reduce the amount of junk food, and eat breakfast everyday.
  • Find a healthy stress reliever: Take a break once in awhile! Whether it’s listening to music, exercising, relaxing and watching a movie, or writing in a journal – find a way to take a break from school and relieve some of your stresses.
  • Sleep!: Make sure you are getting enough sleep each night, without sleep it can negatively impact your school work.
  • Focus on time management: Prioritize your days without overworking yourself, time management is something that does not come easy for everyone but find what works best for your schedule. I find that simply making a to do list for the week and writing in my planner each day helps me prioritize and meet my own deadlines.

These are all critical tips to staying healthy leading to your success as a college student. Keeping up with our health is not always on a college student’s mind but it needs to still be a priority.