Writing a resumé takes some time and work, but it is extremely important to have an updated and error-free resumé. Especially when you are applying for internships and jobs after graduation! Remember that you are surrounded by professionals and peers that can help. Here are some simple tips to help you with your resumé!


1. Don’t use a Word Template, follow your own format. A starting point for a template would include headers with an objective, education, employment history, activities & community involvement, along with awards & recognition.

2. Tailor your resumé and objective depending on the job you are applying for. Each job may be looking for different skills so make sure you know the job you’re applying to and change your resumé depending your skills and qualifications needed for it.

3. Proofread, proofread, and proofread – multiple times. Check for important errors especially wording, spelling, and grammatical errors.

4. Use campus resources: Resumé Doctor at the Anderson Library, Career and Leadership Development career counselors, or ask a mentor to look at it for you.

Follow these tips, use your resources, and you will have a resumé to qualify you and get you the job interview that you want!