Story of Flamingo Behavior that connects with building a learning culture.

“An ecologist studying flamingos on Kenya ’s Lake Nakuru has noticed an interesting phenomenon. Every year, when the time comes for migration, a few flamingos start the process by taking off from the lake. Since none of the others take any notice, they soon turn round and come back.

The next day they try again. This time a few others straggle along with them but, again, the vast majority just carry on with business as usual, so the pioneers return to the lake. This trend continues for a few days. Each time a few more birds join in but, since the thousands of others still take no notice, the migration plan is aborted.

Finally, one day, the same few birds take off again. This time however, the tiny increment to their number – maybe just one extra flamingo – is enough to tip the balance. The whole flock takes flight. The migration begins.”

Original article.

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Why a Flamingo?

It was a great Microsoft template – but when looked at as one of nature’s inspirations . . .
The flamingo is one of the birds in our world that looks the same regardless of gender. It also looses some of it’s pink color as its young are born but regains it as they grow and are able to live on there own.

Flamingos are very social birds. Their colonies of a few individual flamingos are rare, while colonies of tens of thousands of birds are common.

Flamingos spend about 15% to 30% of their time during the day preening. While this might seem a bit excessive – what if we spent half of that in actively learning, reflecting and sharing? They or we’d be hot pink all the time!

Flamingo Fact Source:


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