Having trouble studying? We can help.  Here’s a guide to STUDY AIDS that can help YOU find your way to a better grade.

Top Ten Ways to STUDY!


Make flashcards!

Flashcards are one of the easiest ways to start studying a subject.  When you have a lot of information, take the key points from each main section of your notes or the book and write them on index cards or on cut up pieces of paper.  It is also helpful when you need to remember a lot of terms and definitions.

Use the textbook’s website.

When you have a large textbook for a class, there is usually a book website at the beginning or end in which you can visit and get study guides or other helpful hints.  You can utilize this to help you study or get a better understanding of the text.

Go to the tutoring center.

If you are struggling with a course or a certain subject within a course, it may be helpful to visit the tutoring center.  They have many different tutors that specialize in certain areas that can help you better understand assignments, projects, and exams.  You can make an appointment or just walk right in for immediate help.

Find a study buddy!

Especially in a larger class, there will be many people there that need just as much help as you do.  Make a friend in your class and before an exam or for a project or assignment, you can get together and work on it.  This can help you see the course work from a different point of view or you can bounce different ideas off of each other which may help you in the long run.

Talk with your professor.

Your professor will provide you a list with their office hours or an e-mail in which to make special appointments.  They are available to answer any questions and get more of an understanding of the lecture material.

Make a study guide.

A study guide can be as simple as re-typing your notes from lectures or go more in depth by looking at the chapter assigned.  Study guides are an easier way to look at all the material you have learned and put into your own words so you better understand it.

Utilize the italicized or bolded points.

In the textbooks, there are usually italicized or bolded words, phrases, or definitions that may be important in understand the topics.  They are easily picked out are the most important information.

Take a visit to the library!

The library at the university is designed to be a quiet learning environment in which you can be more focused.  When you study here, you can study in groups or by yourself in study rooms or out in the open.  You are surrounded by resources and other people who may be able to help you.

Take notes from the text.

Instead of just taking notes from the in-class lectures, you can read the book chapters assigned and take notes from there.  Sometimes everything is not covered in class and may need a little extra to understand the material.  By taking notes instead of just reading the material, you can go back to what you found most important and even remember where you got that information from.

Test yourself!

Make sure that when you think you are ready for an exam or assignment, that you test your comprehension of the subject matter.  Think of questions that could possibly be on the exam and see if you are ready and know them.  Apply them to different situations that may arise and adapt that answer to other situations.


Strategies to help you use these study aids more effectively

Break up your studying time into parts; don’t just cram it all into one BIG session.  When you do this, make sure you study in about 45-50 minute periods with 15 minutes in between each session.  This can give you time to recharge your batteries, maybe get a snack or just take your mind off of studying.  You will feel more refreshed and ready to concentrate after your break!

Make sure you are making your flashcards, study guides, and etc. ahead of time.  Don’t procrastinate.  If you make time to make these study aids, you will feel more prepared and when you have your study sessions, you can concentrate on the work and not the creation of the study aids.  With study groups or study buddies, make sure you have your group ahead of time and schedule times to study so each person is ready and focused on the task ahead.

Interested in learning more about different ways to study?

This article is taken from the Los Angeles Times and is about a girl who used www.youtube.com to help her study!


Information provided  by:  Alyssa McClain and Casey Bemis