Soundtracks are frickin sweet

Soundtracks right? They’re pretty cool. Someone wrote whatever music is playing specifically for that movie. Which is frickin radical. They wrote music JUST FOR THAT MOVIE. Can you imagine? someone writing music just for a certain scene that’s only going to last about thirty seconds?

Listen people who write soundtracks, personally, I think care more about music than actually bands and musicians do. They’re the ones that are specifically writing music for whatever storyline that they are given. TAKE MOANA FOR EXAMPLE. Moana is one of my favorite movies even though it only came out awhile ago.

Moana is all about finding yourself and realizing your value without even being of legal age. Moana in the movie is 16, which is an important age for most teenagers because that is when they become “adults” as most people would say. Even though Moana is 16, she saves her entire island because of Maui since he’s kind of the reason they’re having trouble in the first place. She saves the day, not only as a Disney hero, but as someone who cares about her family and what happens to her people who she is in charge of.

Some of my favorite songs from the movie Moana are How Far I’ll Go because it’s about achieving your dreams no matter what the circumstance. Moana had parents that would not let her leave the island, but she decided to anyway because she knew what was right for her people, and technically what was right for her. Another song that I love from that album is I Am Moana because that is apart of the song where she knows who she is and what her purpose is in life.

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