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New Stuff Tuesday - January 1

Tools for Radical Democracy: How to Organize for Power in Your Community

Tools for Radical Democracy:
How to Organize for Power in Your Community
by Joan Minieri & Paul Getsos
HM766 .M56 2007
New Book Island, 2nd floor

It's now 2008, and I'm sure that we also have resolutions for the year that we would like to see happen. Sometimes, resolutions aren't always about yourself, but about change in the world. You can't effect change, you say? Well, this week's New Stuff Tuesday book is just what you need. It's essential for anyone that wants to make a positive impact.

Grassroots organizations have long been drumming up community support for various causes, some being more successful than others. Minieri and Getsos just so happen to know a thing or two about this sort of thing, as they co-founded the Community Voices Heard. CVH focuses on social justice, mainly dealing with poverty, in New York City and the United States. Their manual for organizing for reform outlines everything you could need to know - where to begin with finding partners to form a leadership team to conducting campaigns for public support. It also contains a resources section dealing with topics like raising money for the organization and creating a legal entity. This book will motivate you to start getting ready to take on the world's problems.

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