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Library Land Trivia's Week 2 Winner

Congratulations to Krista Wolfe - her name was pulled from this week's drawing and she will receive a free sweatshirt from the University Bookstore! Way to get the answer right, Krista! And thanks for all of you that participated!

For those of you that are wondering, the answers to last week's questions were:

The Library has 10 group study rooms. Which room has a view of Hyer Hall? Please specify the room number.
If you want to be technical, the correct answer is Room 3102N, but we also accepted if you put Room 3102 as well, as you can see Hyer from both rooms. There are plenty of areas where you can meet to work on group projects, located both on the second and third floors.

On which floor will you find big, comfy, beanbag-esque chairs?
The poof chairs, as the library staff affectionately refer to them, are located up on the third floor. At the library, you don't just have to sit at a table to study or relax. Just watch out, those beanbag chairs might cause you to fall asleep (or off of them). There are also comfortable chairs downstairs near the Media Center.

Thanks again to everyone who participated and don't forget to answer this week's question!

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