T3: Mindfulness & Focus

Image of stress

As a new semester starts, many of you are delighting in the short-lived experience of blank calendars, fresh journal pages, and short to-do lists. Although all of these will quickly fill up with assignments and activities, your headspace does not need to become similarly cluttered. While smartphones and other technology devices can be distracting, you can also use them to help you maintain your equilibrium and focus on success. These apps listed below can help you manage anxiety and stress in daily rituals that will hopefully prevent you from feeling overwhelmed now and in the future.

Headspace: Guided Meditation and Mindfulness (Free: iOS/Android)
This is “meditation made simple.” The app provides guided meditations suitable for anyone–even beginners. Meditation may help you improve your focus, exercise mindful awareness, relieve anxiety, and reduce stress.

Self-help for Anxiety Management (Free: iOS/Android)
This app was developed by a university team of psychologists, computer scientists, and student users. You can use this to help track your anxiety triggers, work through physical and mental relaxation exercises, and interact with other users of the app.

For more apps (some free and some costing a few bucks), see this blog post.

About Diana

Diana is the Reference & Instructional Technology Librarian at UW-Whitewater. She can introduce you to a variety of technology to help improve your teaching, learning, research, and professional development. Ask her about Zotero, tea, or technology. She is the liaison librarian to the departments of Psychology and Social Work.
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