New Stuff Tuesday — February 23, 2016

Tyranny of the Meritocracy

The Tyranny of the Meritocracy
Democratizing Higher Education in America
by Lani Guinier
LA227.4 .G85 2015
New Arrivals, 2nd floor

Lani Guitier’s new book attempts to answer the question of why our so-called meritocracy can often be so unfair to many. She focuses on how our system of higher education often reinforces this unfair system by granting those already benefiting from wealth and privilege the best access to the best education. She articulates a call for a more inclusive vision of how we determine who has “merit”–arguing that we should not rely on standardize testing and instead focus on a holistic evaluation of the whole person.

About Diana

Diana is the Reference & Instructional Technology Librarian at UW-Whitewater. She can introduce you to a variety of technology to help improve your teaching, learning, research, and professional development. Ask her about Zotero, tea, or technology. She is the liaison librarian to the departments of Psychology and Social Work.
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