New Stuff Tuesday – January 5, 2016

The Smarter Screen

The Smarter Screen:
Surprising Ways to Influence and Improve Online Behavior
by Shlomo Benartzi, with Jonah Lehrer
HF5415.32 .B46 2015
New Arrivals, 2nd floor

When we buy online, do we make better or worse decisions? Shlomo Benartzi, a behavioral economist and professor at UCLA, explains how screens change our behavior as consumers. According to Benartzi, the internet has created a “scarcity of attention,” and only the retailers and service providers who know how to command that attention will thrive. The book discusses our visual biases, the impact of tailoring content to individuals, and more. I highly recommend this book, whether you’re interested in operating an online business or you just want to stop impulse buying sweaters online.

Also, check out Shlomo Benartzi’s 2011 TEDTalk on behavior and saving for retirement:

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