
Crossing the campus mall at University of Wisconsin-Whitewater

Crossing the campus mall at University of Wisconsin-Whitewater

An Associate Professor in the Department of Languages and Literatures at the University of Wisconsin-Whitewater, I am on sabbatical from my home university while I teach during part of the Fall 2013 semester at the University of Constantine the Philosopher in Nitra Slovakia. I teach courses in writing, linguistics, and literature.  In Slovakia, I am teaching a course in General Linguistics and in the Pragmatics of Translation.  My primary research interests concern cultural, aesthetic, and linguistic relationships between Slovak and English.  You may wish to view my vita in order to get a more specific sense of my scholarly activity.   During my Fulbright year in Slovakia (2006-7), I blogged on some social and structural characteristics of language, which are especially evident when different languages rub edges, and invited students to contribute in building a site called Prečo mám rád slovenčinu  in order to explore further how English and Slovak are differently contextualized.  Now I wish to extend the discussion to address issues in literary translation.

At the University of Wisconsin-Whitewater, I work in Laurentide Hall, a newly renovated building constructed with energy efficiency in mind.

My family consists of my wife, Elizabeth, my daughter žofia, and my sons, Kyle and Peyton.