The Last King Pre-view

This movie is on and will be watched on Netflix


From the name you’d think that this movie is about The Last King of some sort of fantasy land. The summary seems to prove this, apparently the fictional kingdom of Norway is having  the civil war of the century and the king is dying. He decides to give his son to two random foot soldiers. I assume they were chosen because literally every single other person more qualified were the ones revolting.

This could be a really good movie full of two guys and a baby going on a wild misadventure filled with hi-jinks. Alternatively it could also be a really bad movie full of two guys trying to hide the baby from almost certain death. Either way I’m expecting a heart felt comedy about two guys and a baby trying to make it through some tough times.

The Trailer not only gives us a look at what I’ve already been expecting but also skiing. Skiing seems to be a pretty big part of the movie so maybe in the end the two foot soldiers decide to raise the baby themselves is some sort of domestic partnership and run a ski lodge named “The Royal Ski Lodge”. I think that would be a pretty good ending to a pretty good film.

Here’s hoping that this movie is as good as I hope it’s going to be.


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