‘Is my class canceled?’ and other things you actually care about.

Update (2/3): The original post had the number convention wrong.  It has been updated below.  Enjoy!

Hey guys, Elaina here again!

Now I know that all of you are just as bitter as I am about the fact that though we are in the middle of a polar vortex and yet school continues to march on. The good old UW-Whitewater has decided to prove its students are tougher than the rest and stick it out through the icy winds. There is no other disappointment that stings quite like having to go to class when your friends are all off playing.  Even worse would be to make the icy trek to class and find out that the professor (who has to commute forty minutes every day to class) canceled anyways.

Today I am going to tell you to keep the faith alive! Keep hoping that your classes may yet be canceled. There have been many of those glorious and overwhelmingly generous professors that sacrificed their vacation days for our safety. One of the ways to help you keep this faith alive would be to set yourselves up for notifications from the school directly to your phone.

Now you may already get email notifications from D2L one way, and that is probably email. This is because your school email is the notification default under your account settings. I realize that we all get busy sometimes or we just plain don’t like checking our school email.  Sometimes it would just plain be easier if we didn’t have to go to the trouble and just get a text send directly to our phone about updates.

Here’s how you enabled D2L notifications:

First click on your name and face in the top right corner of your D2L homepage. From there click on notifications.

Elaina's login dropdown menuClick on the mobile number link and select your country in the window (I assume most of you will be United States) and your mobile carrier. The last thing you have to do is fill the blank with your digits, which should not include the beginning 1. (ex. (262-123-4567) and click SAVE.

mobile settings windowYou are now all set up to get notifications directly to your phone. Now all you have to do is toggle the controls to show you anything you want to know about your D2L notifications.

check boxes for notification settingsWhen you are done with those, click ‘SAVE’ at the bottom.

blue save button for settingsThere you have it, being an informed student is now just a text away. Now you can get real time updates about those class cancellation-! Er…news update; that is what you guys want to see, more news from D2L.

That’s all for now! Thanks for your time!
