Burn Off That Thanksgiving Food!

Tonight coast-to-coast Americans will be stuffed full laying on the couch, or sunk down in a chair, in their food induced comas while visions of the delicious food they ate dances in their heads. According to Next Avenue, between the turkey, stuffing, cranberry sauce and miles of pies, the average American eats between 3,000 and 4,500 calories on Thanksgiving Day. That’s a lot considering the typical, moderately-active woman needs around 1,800 calories a day and the average man needs between 2,200 and 2,400 calories a day, according to the Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics, that’s nearly two days worth of calories in a single meal! Now I’m not one to judge because I go crazy on Thanksgiving because it’s hard to resist all of that amazing food! But, we all gotta burn it off and return back to a normal eating pattern eventually. Here are some ways to help you burn off some of that food!

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Healthier Thanksgiving Recipe Ideas

Thanksgiving is a wonderful time when Americans can stuff their faces with turkey, mashed potatoes, pie and more without being judged. Because I mean if I’m being honest, I eat a TON on Thanksgiving because how can you not?! The key is to try choose more of the healthier options instead of the bad ones. So, in honor of Thanksgiving in a couple days, here are some healthier (but still delicious) options to make for your holiday get togethers that your family will be sure to love! Here are twists on some of my favorites at my family’s Thanksgivings:

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Brain Games

Does Your Brain Really Need Exercise?

Our brains are a part of everything we do, so keeping it in shape and cared for is essential. Exercising your brain is just as important as exercising the rest of your body! If you don’t continue to use and exercise your brain as you get older, it could start to affect you later on. Brain activities and games are a great way to improve and preserve your brain’s sharpness, memory, focus, and daily functionality.

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5 Awesome Fitness Influencers You Need to Follow!

Whether you’re already consistent with your exercise or you are just starting, it’s really helpful to have some sort of guide or influence to help you out. It was really helpful for me at the beginning of college, after playing sports my entire life, to get back into working out and being active in ways different than just playing sports. It helped to have those people that went through similar situations, to watch and guide me. Following fitness influencers is helpful because they post example work outs, step-by-step videos, tips, healthy meals, etc. to help you out. Check out these 5 influencers in the fitness industry to get some tips for your next workout!

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5 Delicious (Healthy!) Dip Recipes

I’m a HUGE dip fan, it’s definitely hands down my all time favorite snack! But, sometimes its hard because dips aren’t always the healthiest snacks in the world. And if you’re like me, once you start eating dip, you can’t stop! So, for those of you who are like me or if you just enjoy a good dip every now and then, here are 5 healthy dip recipes for you to try and not feel guilty after accidentally over-indulging:

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Exercise At Home

Easy ways to get moving in the cold weather!

We’ve all experienced that feeling after getting home from a long day of work. After working all day, the couch looks very appealing to kick back and relax on for the remainder of the night. The last thing on most people’s mind is using that remaining energy to do any sort of exercise, especially after making dinner, doing homework, chores around the house and everything else that works its way into your busy life. All of that busy work alone feels like exercise enough. It’s hard enough to find the motivation sometimes to exercise, but it’s even harder in the colder months. It’s more difficult to get outside and do the things you enjoy when it’s cold, plus you have to worry about bundling up to stay warm. However, getting some physical activity in has never been as easy and convenient as it is today, by just exercising at home!

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