Where Food Rumors are Broken

Category Individual Foods

Live Blog Event

For my Social Media Optimization course, I was assigned the task of creating a live blog for a University of Wisconsin-Whitewater sporting event. The event I decided to cover was an intramural flag football game. The teams that played were… Continue Reading →

Eat Chocolate!

Admit it, you really like chocolate (more like love it). Don’t worry, you’re not alone. It is estimated that in the U.S., approximately 1 billion people eat chocolate every day. Chances are, most of those people feel a little bit… Continue Reading →

Milk: A White Lie

I was scolded my entire childhood for not drinking my milk because my parents feared that I wasn’t getting enough protein due to the fact that I didn’t enjoy eating animal products. But I was never convinced that I needed… Continue Reading →

A Spoonful of Peanut Butter

Peanut butter has been given a bad rep, and old research is to blame. In the past, peanut butter has been shamed for being fattening, and that idea is still present today in the worry of gaining weight. But thanks… Continue Reading →

Salmon: A Fish Story

Many look to fish, particularly salmon, for a nutritious meal. Salmon is valued for its heart-healthy omega-3s, and its ability to improve one’s brain health. However, recent studies show that there is a dark side to salmon. Not only is… Continue Reading →

But How Great is Coffee Really?

I started drinking coffee at a very young age. My grandma used to scold me saying that I would never grow past 5 feet (I grew to be 5’4”, so look at me now Grams). Coffee has become such a… Continue Reading →

Tequila: A Misunderstood Beverage

When the word “tequila” is mentioned, I see only two kinds of faces on the people around me. Either a smile that goes ear to ear or a squished up face that looks like they just got done sucking on… Continue Reading →

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