Heart of A Champion

By this point, the question might’ve been brought up or probably will be brought up, but out of all the “Feels” moments that I’ve seen, one might wonder, which one is you’re favorite or which one hits you the hardest in the feels? Well, ladies and gentleman, this is it right here. No disrespect to all other feels moments, as they deserve all their spots on this blog and deserved to be shared all over but this moment right here has stuck with me and gets harder to watch every single time.

This video shares the story of Arie Schultz a young boy who was born with a rare heart defect that has required him to have 10 operations performed on him and unfortunately a life filled with extended periods at the hospital unit, even the intensive care unit. In medical terms, he was diagnosed with critical aortic stenosis and evolving hypoplastic left heart syndrome. Arie would proceed to spend a big part of his young life (211 days) to be exact in the hospital waiting for a much-needed heart transplant. His reaction to him being told that a new heart has in fact come and he will be having surgery home will break your heart into a million pieces, I’m not even kidding.

This little boy, the way he talks to his parents and how pure and innocent he sounds and how he’s handling this awful situation that he’s been dealt with, it’s hard to not get a little emotional over this kid. You can tell he just wants to go home and the part that broke me was when he asked since he’ll get a new heart if he’s able to go home and drink more water” like the kid can’t even enjoy that necessity cause of his condition and it really makes you rethink the things you value and take for granted honestly.

There is an E:60 (documentary style shorts from ESPN Films) that goes in depth of this incredible boy and his story battling this heart condition and he has in fact gone viral with his parents filming parts of his life. It gives hope and puts a genuine smile on my face and I know on the faces of countless other people of Arie’s attitude towards the whole situation which just brightens my day. I highly recommend whoever’s reading to find a way to watch the whole E:60 episode on Arie Schultz and really be prepared for some hard-hitting feels. I admit, I actually cried and I have no shame of admitting that. I won’t spoil the extended video but I will leave off by saying this… if you want to know what strength and the passion and love this little guy brings to people and his family, watch this video. Feels x100000.

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