Love Online Article Summary- Blog 1

So far in our New Communication Technologies class, we have focused solely on the idea of social media and how people are affected from a day to day basis, along with how we communicate through technology.

In the article, “Love Online,” the narrator of the article is a father. He is talking about the online relationship that his son, Henry is in. He is dating a girl named Sarah. They met in an online discussion group. They dated in chat rooms. They had the chance to meet each other for the first time in an airport, due to wanting to meet in person. Eventually, they broke up because of distance and they were expecting their relationship to be much more than expected.

The lesson from how powerful social media is that technology is evolving so quickly. With that being said, in this article, Sarah and Henry seriously considered themselves ‘dating’ because they sent each other digital flowers and chocolate. No offense, but that is not dating to me and it will never be. That is just my personal opinion, but I could never think that I had feelings for someone that I have never met. It is just not a normal thing that you see from a day to day basis. That was a personal choice for the both of them.

Communicating through technology can be sent in seconds from anywhere. It will be evolving for many years to come. It will be interesting to see what else happens through technology in the future.