Module 5

Question 1-

Motivation is one of the biggest influences over a child’s education. Finding what motivates your students is one of the most challenging yet important skills to have as a teacher. One of the first things you can do to impact a student’s motivation is providing a positive learning environment. As we discussed on Thursday, a positive learning environment is one of the biggest contributors to student success. If a student is in a poor learning environment they will most likely feel uncomfortable participating and asking questions in class. As a result, if a student is unable to learn and feel comfortable in your classroom, their motivation to do work and engage will greatly decrease.

In order to ensure this doesn’t happen inside of my classroom, I will be sure to have clear behavior and academic expectations listed in my classroom. Even more importantly, I will be sure to review and strictly enforce my expectations with the class.

Another factor I have learned about in my foundation block class is the importance of a community. Environmental background, including where students are raised and how their community perceives education can contribute to student success and failure. In professor, Elliot’s class, we learned how the black community sees education as a form of involuntary assimilation to white culture. Being forced to do anything causes a people to often push away from what they are being compelled to do. Because the black community has these feelings of forced education, they tend to devalue it.

To make things even worse, black students often don’t have access to the same resources as white children. The reading “digital responsibility” explains impact technology resources can have on a child’s education. For example black student’s lack of access to these critical resources increases the achievement gap between these two cultures. Because of this difference, black students are far less likely to possess an equal level of motivation to complete their school work. Without access to this advanced technology, they are treated almost as second class citizens who aren’t afforded the same resources as every other child. In addition to their lack of motivation, they are surrounded by other people who were also improperly educated. These previous generations pass had a bad experience in school so they pass down their belief that school is just a waste of time.

As a teacher, I feel like it’s part of my job to prove to students why education is important. On the first day of every year, I plan on making a presentation to my students that proves to them the importance of physical education. I hope I will inspire them to see not only value in physical education but also their education experience as a whole.

Question 2-


Unit Title: _Module 5 backwards design_______________________________________                                                                     


Established Goals:

Creating a unit where my students will understand how to create a workout routine and acquire the ability to demonstrate the proper forms of each exercise. I also plan on having my student’s create a meal plan which will allow them to know what goes into a healthy diet and how your diet relates to exercise. Hopefully, by the end of this lesson my students will know what it takes to be healthy and active for a lifetime.


Understandings: Students will understand that…

·       The ability to be active and healthy for a lifetime.

·       What does a good workout routine look like?

·       How to work well with a team.




Essential Questions:

·       What is considered an active lifestyle?

·       What is considered a healthy lifestyle?

·       Why is important to learn about what it takes to live a healthy lifestyle?



Students will know:

·       How to properly create a workout plan.

·       How big of a difference living a healthy lifestyle has on your mood.

·        Knowledge of how to preform basic exercises.

·        Last they will learn how to work with a variety of other people to complete different tasks.




Students will be able to:

·       Understand how much physical activity they should have in a day in order to maintain an active lifestyle.

·       Understand what a proper healthy diet consists of and what calorie intake they should aim for each day.

·        Last they will learn what a healthy lifestyle should consist of in regards to alcohol and drug use.



Performance Tasks:

Create a workout routine with a partner along with a food plan. Your plan has to be specific, based on whether or not you are trying to:

ü  bulk up and gain weight along with muscle mass,

ü  tone your muscles but not gain weight,

ü  or, determine  how to lose weight in a healthy manner and get back into shape.





Other Evidence:

You must be able to demonstrate the proper techniques of each exercise you chose for your workout regimen.

You must also only allow yourself three cheat meals where you can choose to eat out or make something special

Last, your food plan should stay within the weekly budget assigned.


Key Criteria:

The ability to construct a workout plan then properly demonstrate how to preform each exercise. You also have to make yourself a meal plan so you can learn how to map out your food for the week. This causes it to be easier to stick to a healthy diet. Also by putting a reasonable budget in place and only allowing them three cheat/eat out meals, it will give students the knowledge they need for when they leave high school and become in charge of their own meals. Healthy food also tends to be a lot more expensive so discovering cheap, healthy options now will help them find ways to stay on a budget while eating healthy.







Summary of Learning Activities:


I plan on spending the first half of the week of class going over safety procedures in the locker room. During this time, I will demonstrate how different machines work and explain different exercises you can do with them, along with showing the proper technique for each. Then I will spend the second half of the next week showing different free weight exercises as well as how to do super sets and demonstrate what muscle groups are easiest to focus on together when designing a workout. Then for the next week, I will spend the first few days explaining how to create a workout routine and demonstrate what a warm ups should consist of and so on. I will also get into what types of reps you should do and what kind of exercises are good for building muscle mass vs what’s good for getting toned or losing weight. Last, I will spend the remainder of the week going over what a proper diet consists of. This means I will discuss how different types of food impact your body differently and what meals will give you the results you are looking for. I feel it’s really important to be thorough during these first few weeks because students need to understand how go about getting in shape in a safe, healthy manner. Next, I will give my students a week to come up with a workout routine for themselves and their partner. Then, I will have them spend the next week making a food plan to go along with their workout routine. The last week of the unit will be spent with the students demonstrating the exercise routine they created and I will grade them on proper form. After that, I will have them sit down and explain why they chose those exercises and what type of results they were hoping to get. Then I will have them tell me why they chose the foods they selected and explain how their food choices connect to their workout routine.

3 thoughts on “Module 5”

  1. I think that one way to create a positive learning environment is to have your students ask any questions they want at the beginning of the semester. This allows your students to test and see what questions you are willing to answer and truly see how approachable you are, even if it is not the subject you are teaching. Obviously, you need to screen the questions but this also shows students that there is no stupid questions.

  2. I think you did a really good job with your lesson plan. I like that the topic that you picked was to have the kids create their own workout plan and meal plan. I think that is a way more important real life applicable skill for a healthy life than something like how to play basketball. My question is how are they assessed on this? Do they turn it in privately in a portfolio or do they present it to the class? I’m just wondering how they can do this and make it personalized (such as wanting to lose weight) without feeling pressure to show or compare with their classmates.

  3. Great post Eddie! I think that you made some solid points throughout this post that engaged the readers attention. Also I like how you pointed out the importance of education, and having to “prove” that to the students. I think that making the powerpoint at the beginning of the year is a great method to prove and show the students how a education can be important. Do you think you would have them guess before the difference an education make? how it helps? pay benefits? and so on, something to think about!

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