Module 3 first post was the wrong copy

Today I am going to answer a few important questions about different perspectives of learning, the limitations and importance of these, and my own personal belief. First I will go over the differences between behaviorist and cognitive perspectives of learning. “The behaviorist perspective of learning focuses on the new behaviors themselves that are learned” (pg. 312). These are things like controlling your classroom so you can create the best possible learning environment for your students. So in this philosophy we learned a lot about how to motivate students to behave appropriately and do their work. Whereas “cognitive perspective discusses more about the knowledge and strategies are learned, then changes in knowledge and strategies make changes in behavior possible” (pg. 312). We are taught the different levels of cognitive development and how to teach at these different stages. Even more importantly we learned about how students actually process information and what their memory capacity is and how we can get our students to effectively retain the most amount of information possible. Both of these concepts are very important to apply to your class room instruction because it allows us as teachers to create the best possible learning environment in our classroom. It also allows for us to understand different laws of learning. This understanding will give us knowledge on how our students’ brains work and develop, which allows for us to structure our teaching in a way that our students will be able to retain the most possible amount of information during our lesson. For cognitive learning some of the limitations we have as teachers is that you have to teach in a way that coincides with the level of cognitive development you class falls under. An even harder aspect is appealing to all students. This is really hard because all students develop at different times. This means that some of your students may not be developmentally ready to retain some of the material you are teaching them. As a result teachers must carefully think through how they present their material. As for behavioral development, we have some of the same issues as cognitive development but some new challenges as well. For example, in order to create the best learning environment possible for your class you may have to kick students out of the room or have them sit away from the rest of the class. The challenge with this is you need to find a balance where that student isn’t taking away the ability for students around him to learn while at the same time your punishment shouldn’t be taking away from their ability to learn. After looking at the table on page 468 I felt the rolls of the teacher and student were very good. However, I disagree with the idea that peers have no role in behavioral and cognitive development. I disagree with this because I feel like peers have a huge roll in both of these. For behavioral, I feel that if students watch their peers behave in the correct manner they are much more likely to copy their behavior so they can conform. In addition, cognitive learning from peers is one of the most effective tools a student can have. Through all your years in school you are going to have the same classmates basically until college so it’s crucial that students learn how to use one another as a resource to gain new information. Kids seem to learn the best from kids and I know for a fact the best way for someone to learn is by teaching someone else. When I become a teacher I know I will apply these different strategies in my classroom in the hope of creating the best learning environment possible.

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