Hello Everyone tuning in to this blogpost! I am very excited to maintain this blog for the next few months! I will be updating it weekly (By Friday every single week for the next couple months)! This first post will be shorther then most others as it is essentially just me explaining the blog and what sort of content will be posted here!

  • Firstly, what is MTG? MTG is a card game by the name of Magic the Gathering, its rather popular and well known. Its a complicated card game that uses a fantastical setting with years and years of cards for players to use!
  • Second, What is the intended purpose of this blog? This blog is made to teach and introduce new MTG players or existing ones about my personal favorite format, Commander! The blog itself is going to be used to discuss tech ideas and even have some lists posted but at this moment I wont be posting a deck list for probably another week or two.
  • Lastly, to share my insight and personal thoughts on upcoming cards, popular commanders, and all together news in the MTG department and how it effects this format. I will also mention I’ve been playing MTG for about 12 years so I have a decent knowledge about the game and what might be sought as good or bad!

To end of this week I will give a overview of what next week will most likely be about! I plan to explain more about MTG and Commander next week! What is Commander, what are the major differences, how do you play the format, etc. etc. I figure its best to leave this as its own post so people can refer to it if they are new to the format and or MTG in general!