Relationship between teaching and researchers

It is almost a necessity for educators and researchers to communicate in the education field. This could really help educators determine what is useful and what is not useful methods to teach inside the classroom. If the researcher and educator each exchange ideas, it could change a big process on how they teach. A teacher is going to have a new set of students every year, so it is crucial to find out what you can do in the future by changing different teaching methods in a positive direction. I don’t necessarily think that teachers need to be researchers or researchers need to be teachers, but I do think they need to at least exchange thoughts and ideas of what they can change for the improvement of education. For information literacy, this could be very helpful by analyzing and evaluating different resources for the best efficiency. What is great about information literacy is that we have great library data bases with reliable sources that we can take advantage of. As a future educator, I plan on taking advantage of libraries and databases to better myself as a teacher and to further my knowledge.

Assigning or not assigning homework is a big dispute in schools today. I think that homework should be talked about by teachers so students don’t get an overload. I plan on teaching Physical Education and I know schools are trying to interpret homework more in this subject so this is very important to me. For homework, I believe that educators should do their best to make it more fun for the students, such as reading a book a kid wants to read instead of a class book. Sometimes I felt like, and still feel that homework is sometime done just to get it over with. I take more time and precision when I don’t have as many assignments. I would like to find more studies in the future on researchers opinions on when homework could be good or bad.

From the articles I found, they all seemed to somehow say giving homework sparingly is good for the students, but seems to be worse when there is an abundance. Another important part about giving homework is giving appropriate feedback back to the students so they know what to fix for next time. From a personal standpoint, I have been stressed plenty of times from homework overload. I think every now and then an assignment should be to play an outside activity for an hour so students can have some free time. To sum it up, research should help teachers decide what kind of homework, if any, to give to students in the classroom in each subject. Research is a great way for students and teachers to reach their full potential in knowledge by looking at scholarly articles. Since I know what it’s like being a student, I am going to plan on taking these ideas into consideration for when I become an educator in the near future.

Mitchell, M., Barton, G. V., & Stanne, K. (2000). The role of homework in helping students meet physical education goals. Journal of Physical Education, Recreation & Dance, 71(5), 30–34. doi:10.1080/07303084.2000.10605142

Novak, B. E., & Lynott, F. J. (2015). Homework in physical education: Benefits and implementation. Strategies, 28(1), 22–26. doi:10.1080/08924562.2014.980873

Should physical educators make greater use of homework? (2005). Journal of Physical Education, Recreation & Dance, 76(2), 15-18. doi:10.1080/07303084.2005.106073

Ours, E. S., & Scrabis-Fletcher, K. A. (2013). Implementing Active Homework in Secondary Physical Education. Strategies, 26(6), 23-27. doi:10.1080/08924562.2013.839433

Should students be given homework? (n.d.). Retrieved February 06, 2017, from

C. (2009, February 20). Retrieved February 06, 2017, from

I remember seeing this clip on CBS and I thought it was a good relation to what we are currently talking about in class. It’s about a child who believes teachers assigning homework should be considered slavery and should stay in the schools.


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