Archive for August 8th, 2015

Boeing Boeing

Posted in Lighting Design on August 8th, 2015 by Eric Appleton

Today was focus for Milwaukee Chamber Theatre’s production of “Boeing Boeing,” in the lovely Cabot Theatre in the Broadway Theatre Center.

Here’s a shot of the stage as we get rolling (scenic design by Brandon Kirkham):

And during the day when we’d paused for something and I had the electricians pull the color from all the flower template units — the note to do split gel hadn’t made it down the line, so it was a small project for me to do at a pause.

Kristine, the day’s board op, at the tech table, running the plot and the Expression.

After focus is over, here’s the director, Michael Cotey, having a conversation with our stage manager Judy Martel. And my paperwork scattered around next to the board.

A view into the house as the actors filter in:

Tech is tomorrow, but I played with base looks over the rehearsal and started putting stuff together, as well as creating a few notes for the morning. . .