Boeing Boeing

“Arrangement for Murder, No. 2” opened Tuesday night (it went well — the audience was receptive and gasped at the ending twist). I drove into Milwaukee Wednesday to chat with the ME and TD at the Skylight about the upcoming production of “Boeing Boeing” for Milwaukee Chamber Theatre. Got copies of the first wave of set drawings (scenic design by Brandon Kirkham).

It’s gonna be interesting. The set is pushed all the way against the proscenium, and there’s a giant mobile hanging over the playing space. The doors all have an overhang (though with recessed lighting over each). The ceiling and the mobile aren’t so much the challenge, it’s that there’s no place to get a lift for focusing once the set is in place (which was the main subject of our discussion). Almost all the lighting will be coming from the FOH, and what is over the stage itself is going to be a mite tricky. . .