Clybourne Park

Images from last Friday’s shop session, as we continue work on the UW-Whitewater’s production of “Clybourne Park.”

Since the light hang has commenced and troubleshooting and focus are immanent, here TA Joe teaches two of the Intro to Theatre students how to bring up channels on the light board.

Intro student Austin staples together the framing on a flat. This one had to be redone — it faces the front of the staircase, but there was a discrepancy on how many stairs were in the staircase, which meant the top angle was wrong.

While I’ve been painting faux hardwood onto the deck, we are applying ripped plywood planks to the upstage platforms. Once they are all down, I will add glazing to make them match.

The deck itself is closer to completion. I have to grain and glaze the border, which will happen this afternoon. Then we can seal it and call it done.