Nov 19

Who is Tired of Seeing Fake News on Social Media

Category: Uncategorized


Most of us have social media and most of us are used to seeing fake news but are you tired of always seeing it. An article on Buzz Machine talks about how we can find out the fake news and how to deal with it. Fake news is a big problem on social media because people are easily swindled into believing everything they see. I’ve known from personal experience, you have to go to secondary sources and if you see it on other credible news sites it is most likely true. If you dont find it anywhere else it is most likely fake and people are just trying to play you. That is the thing with online journalism and news stories, some people just make up stuff knowing they are behind a screen and nobody will know its them. These situations take away credibility from real journalists who put time and effort into their stories and some people just dont believe because they have been tricked before. Just be careful where you read your information because you could be the next person. Go Warhawks!


2 Comments so far

  1. Kyle November 20th, 2016 2:18 am

    What do you think ought to be done about fake news?

  2. Calvin November 21st, 2016 1:30 am

    I actually did this same article. I am sick of seeing those phony articles as well… I’m glad that Mark Zuckerberg is finally doing something about this to try and eliminate these showing up all over Facebook.

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